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5 Ways to Save Energy in Your Commercial Building

As we enter a new decade, it’s time to start making effective changes that more positively impact the environment. One specific place to start is by saving energy however and wherever possible. Saving energy at home may seem like an easier task, but what about when you’re at work? How do we go about reducing energy consumption at the office? Many times, office buildings are large and there are upwards of hundreds of employees sitting at desks using computers. Not to mention the lighting, air ducts, and more.

In today’s blog from Optimal Energy Engineering, we’re going to talk about five ways to practice reducing your energy consumption in commercial buildings. By taking these practices into consideration, you can positively impact not only the cost of energy consumption, but the environment and your community as well.

If you own a commercial building and are looking for ways to cut costs on energy expenditure, or just want to get an overall look at your building’s performance, contact the experts from Optimal Energy Engineering. Our commissioning services will do a thorough checkup of your building’s systems and come up with a structured plan and achievable solutions to save energy wherever possible.

The best place to start when you consider your building’s energy usage, is by looking at the energy that you, as an individual, consume on a daily basis. Once you have a grasp of your own energy expenditure, you can get a better idea of what is going on in the building as a whole. Here are a few places to start when you’re trying to save energy:

Check Your Equipment

Do you shut down your equipment every night when you leave? During off-hours, it’s important to shut down any electronics that won’t be used — including copiers, kitchen equipment, computers, and lights. Even turning off personal use items like coffee pots or individual office lights can also contribute to reducing energy consumption. You can even go as far as to create posters and/or a complete energy awareness program so that all of your building’s tenants can work together to create an energy-saving environment.

Use High-Efficiency, Light-Emitting Diode (LED) Exit Signs

LED exit signs operate 24/7 and have lower maintenance costs because of their extended life. Using these signs at all of your building’s exit points can drastically improve your building’s energy usage over time. If you’re unsure about any of the light-emitting signs throughout your building, be sure to talk to the energy engineers at Optimal Energy Engineering to get your questions answered. Call today to schedule a free consultation and learn more about our commissioning services available.

Install Monitor Power-Management Software

In U.S. companies alone, more than $1 billion is wasted on electricity for computer monitors that are left on when they shouldn’t be. In a larger office building, we’re talking hundreds of computers left on and sucking up energy for 8-12 hours overnight while the building is empty. This can be avoided by installing power-management software, central processing units, and hard drives.

Adjust Ventilation

One of the main things that we do at Optimal Energy Engineering when we check the performance of your building’s systems, is inspect the air ducts and the ventilation system — including checking on the current status of your windows. We search for weak spots that may be costing you money. By taking a look at your fans and adjusting your ventilation in unoccupied or low-density areas, you are able to reduce your energy expenditure. Contact Optimal Energy Engineering today to learn more about this process and how our commissioning services can help you save money.

Change Your Lights

If your commercial building is using incandescent lights, it’s time to change to compact fluorescent lights (CFLs) and high-intensity discharge (HID) lights. CFLs use less energy, have a longer life, and don’t produce as much heat. Don’t forget to check the lighting in restrooms, closets, server rooms, and common areas. Upgrades to your lighting that make your building more energy-efficient may even be tax deductible.

Choose Optimal Energy Engineering to Save Money on Energy Costs Today

By choosing our team of expert energy engineers, you can trust that you will not only save money on your energy costs, but you will improve the overall performance of your building while also increasing it’s life span. We offer our commissioning services to new buildings as well as existing buildings. Our goal is to make your building more efficient.

With more than 25 years of experience, we know how to take your building and its systems to the next level. When you sign on to our commissioning services, you agree to work with us to create solutions to your energy usage problems. Call our team today to start saving energy, money, and begin building a clean future for your business.